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Author: Kerry Radden

Luddington Village Hall Booking Form

Please download and complete then return to

Please note that prices are reviewed around every September and increased in January each year in order to ensure the Hall can still operate (for example, covering rising energy costs). To confirm current prices, please contact Penny Garbutt on


Hirer responsibilities

The hirer must be a responsible adult who will look after the hall, its contents and the safe use of the car park and will indemnify the Committee for the cost of any damage to the building or contents, incurred during the period of hire or as a result of the hiring.

It is the responsibility of the hirer to carry out their own risk assessment and to advise the Committee of any hazards. The Committee has carried out a comprehensive risk assessment and has made all the necessary changes to adhere to the advice of the WRCC.

The hirer will not use the premises for any purpose other than that described on the Booking Form.

The hirer must read the notice on the board in the foyer showing emergency exits and the location of the fire extinguishers.

The hirer agrees not to adjust the heating controls.

We recommend that all hirers follow Government advice and “make informed decisions and act carefully and proportionally to manage risk to themselves and others”.


There are 3 key safes – one for the front door, one for the accessible entrance and one for the side kitchen door.  The code for all three is the same and will be given to you near the date of your hire.


As a result of the new collection schedule introduced by Warwick District Council, as well as problems with the collection of our bins when rubbish is placed in the incorrect bin, we are having to ask hirers to please take their rubbish home with them.

Cinema Equipment

The hirer must also take full responsibility for the safe and careful handling of the cinema equipment and will indemnify the Committee for the cost of any damage to the cinema equipment.  There is a Sound system for the use of hirers.  Please request full instructions.

Non Smoking Policy

The hirer must ensure that all people using the hall comply with the prohibition of smoking in public places provisions of the Health Act 2006. There is no smoking in ANY of the indoor OR outdoor areas of the Hall property.


For insurance purposes, the use of candles is allowed for celebration cakes but must not, at any time, be left unattended. Please undertake your own risk assessment before lighting such candles. If there is an accident due to hirer negligence a claim will be made against the hirer.

Cancellation Policy

The Committee reserves the right to cancel the hiring in the event of the hall being required for use as a polling station for a parliamentary election, by-election, local Government election or Government business.

We require at least 2 weeks’ notice for any cancellation.


There is parking space outside the hall. If you do need to park in the road, please make sure that you are not obstructing the visibility of drivers on the road (by parking only on the same side as the hall). Please do not park in front of the driveways or on the grass verges in front of the gardens of local residents. Cars are welcome to park alongside the Green and people walk down to the hall.


  • Please take all sensible precautions with regard to cleaning the hall before and after use.
  • Please encourage people with symptoms not to attend your activities.

Enjoy using the Village Hall space and take care

Family Ceilidh – 12 Oct – BOOK NOW

Join us for the grand reopening of your Village Hall!

After several months of building work, we are now nearing completion on the village hall extension and improvements.

We’ll cut the ribbon at 4pm, with bubbles and cake until 5.30pm. Free but donations welcome. Just let us know you are coming so we can bake enough cake!

To celebrate, join us for a fun-filled ceilidh for all the family. We would love to see as many people from the whole community as possible to say thank you for all your support and to launch the new space in style.

The licensed bar (card and cash) will open from 7pm with live music and dancing from 7.30pm.
Tickets are only £10 and under 18s go free, so book now!

Email to Book :