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Luddington Parish Council

Luddington Parish Council: ‘Working for the whole Parish’
Luddington Village, the Luddington Road and Dodwell

Luddington Parish Council meets monthly, on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, at 7pm in Luddington Village Hall.

This is a meeting of the Parish Council rather than a public meeting, but it is open to members of the public to attend, with time set aside to make representations relating to items on the agenda and concerning issues relevant to them.

For the benefit of managing meetings in a timely manner, individual contributions from any one member of the public will be limited to three minutes, unless otherwise agreed.

The agendas and minutes of meetings are available on the Luddington Parish website:

Luddington Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting 2023
The Luddington Annual Parish Assembly, 2023, organised by the Parish Council