Stratford Studio Art Club
Join the Stratford upon Avon Studio Art Club
We meet twice a week at Luddington Village Hall:
Monday 10am until 3pm. Members paint and draw using a variety of medium and can come and go as they choose. Some stay all day, others just the morning or afternoon.
Thursday 10am until 3pm. A portrait group use the hall from 10am until 12.15pm. From 12.30pm the hall is available for any member.
We meet most of the year, usually closing on bank holidays and over Christmas and New Year.
Anyone is welcome to join from beginners to experienced painters. It’s a friendly atmosphere and the hall has good facilities.
We usually hold workshops and evening demonstrations each year.
We also try to hold an annual exhibition. These events have been on hold for the last couple of years due to the Coronavirus pandemic, but we hope to resume events as soon as we can.
The annual fee from 1 January 2022 is £60 (allowing you to attend as often as you wish) plus £1 per session (£2 for portrait painters) on a pay as you go basis.
For further information please contact:
Sue Fell on 01789 751635 or email
Kim Hand on 07875 877173 or email