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Newsletter – issue 2

The Luddington Parish Council website is updated regularly or follow us on Facebook, search:
Luddington Village, Stratford Upon Avon

Parish Update

Hello everyone and welcome to the latest leaflet from your Parish Council.
We know we are facing unprecedented challenges right now and that’s why we want to share with you some of the efforts being made to support you.
We have already seen our community coming together stronger than ever before with the Parish Council, Village Hall Committee, the Village Fund and All Saints’ Church joining forces to coordinate essential local support for you over coming months and through the Coronavirus Pandemic. These voluntary efforts can take pressure off our stretched essential services and help vulnerable and isolated people feel they have somewhere to turn if needed.
Above all, our health is the most important thing we own which is why I encourage everyone to follow Government advice on social distancing and preventative health measures. This will help our essential services cope with those who need special care and treatment when necessary.
Working together and being ‘good neighbours’ I feel confident we can get through this and feel a much stronger community as a result.
Best wishes and take care.
Jon, Parish Council Chairman


Luddington Isolation Friends Team is a group of volunteers from within the parish who are able to offer neighbourly help with urgent tasks like shopping or picking up prescriptions during periods of isolation.
Please call Jo Fleeman (Parish Clerk) or Jon Warrender (Parish Council Chairman) for further information, support or to volunteer.
FOR SUPPORT CALL 07809 873716
LIFT volunteers will only ask you for reimbursement for shopping on delivery, with production of reciept. You can also verify us via the Parich Council website if you are concerned about scams.
This is not an emergency number please use 111 or 999 if you have a real emergency.

News from your District Councillors

Manuela Perteghella (Welford)
David Curtis (Shottery)

  • The green waste charge has now been delayed at least until March 1st 2021
  • The increase in parking charges is deferred at least until April 1st 2021
  • VASA are recruiting voluntary drivers: www.
  • There is an online form to apply for a council tax discount or reduction: uk/council-tax/help-and-advice-for-council-tax-debt.cfm

Out and about locally

Public footpaths are open. If you go out, stay 2 metres (6ft) away from other people at all times. Advice is not to not touch gates, and for now the swings on the green are out of action. Grass will continue to be cut as Alex our wonderful contractor has a strict Covid-19 operating policy.


Luddington Parish Council is now a voucher holder. If you or any parishioner is in genuine need of foodbank parcels or support in affording an essential food shop please do contact the Parish Clerk for confidential support and advice.

Exhibition: Luddington Lockdown & Rainbows

Luddington Village Tree

As we are all forced to stay home by the coronavirus lockdown many have been doing their best to lighten the mood. Windows, walls, gardens and even the Oak tree on the village green have been adorned with rainbows, ribbons and messages of support for all the marvellous key workers carrying out their vital work.
We would like to capture your own lockdown experience in an online community exhibition on and later hold an event
(when permissible) in the village hall, which the All Saints’ Arms team have kindly offered to support.
We would love to see/hear what everyone is up to. Whether it is painting, drawing, video, photography, gardening, flower arranging, sewing, knitting, learning an instrument or renovating a car, its open to all ages – for professionals and non professionals alike.
See the village website of how to submit entries or email for details.
Also, while you are out on your walk why not add a ribbon or pom-pom to the tree on the green – let’s raise a smile for Easter.

All Saints’ Luddington

The All Saints’ Team is sorry that the church has had to be closed during this time. We would like to offer phone contact support to anyone who needs it at this challenging time. Would you like to be part of a pastoral contact group whilst in lockdown or self-isolation and receive a weekly call, or support when you cannot get out, or when others cannot give their regular support?
Please call 01789 632811 and leave your name and a telephone number. Someone from the parish church will call you back to give you further information. This is a support service offered to everyone in the parish.

Local Food Retailers

These are a few, if you know of any others contact

Simply Fresh, Evesham Road
Shop open 7am – 9pm. Call 01789 550488.

The Farm, Snitterfield: Shop open
NHS workers 7am – 8am, Vulnerable 8am – 10am, Regular shopping 10am until 3pm.
Deliveries / click & collect call 01789 731807.

Barry The Butcher Collection or delivery.
Call 01789 267006 leave order on answerphone.

Fruit & Veg Shack, Stratford Garden Centre Fresh produce deliveries call 01789 290711 Gardening goods delivery call 01789 205745

Mudwalls, Ragley Fresh produce deliveries. Call 01789 491078, 9am – 1pm, ask for Henry.

Youth Zoom Room

If you are between 12 and 21 and live in the parish let us know if you would benefit from a coordinated Zoom meeting place. We have medical practitioners, teachers, creatives and many more professionals willing provide a safe place to ask questions and discuss issues surrounding isolation.
Please email your ideas to: